Monday, June 9, 2008

Farm Friends

Carmella, aka (by me as of right now) Beauty Inspiration, tagged me a while ago. So:

1- I wore headgear in middle school for my overbite (at home in the evenings only)

2- almost got expelled at the end of 8th grade for smuggling a tiny bit of vodka to Shoney's on a school field trip. This was probably the biggest (or second or third biggest) trouble I have ever been in. It was a major crisis for me since some of my friends got in trouble and everyone's parents and all the teachers found out about it.

3 - Mom and Dad named me after Ms. Hepburn.

4 - My little brother is cooler than I am.

5 - I moved to a farm and have 5 new roommates. Meet the players:

Simon! (giving away strawberries)

Gypsy! (aka Glamour Girl)

(no photo yet)

Balder! (the Tough Guy)

Honey! (the House Hen)

There are about 50 or so chickens here at Noah Valley Farm (near Jacksonville, Alabama), but Honey is becoming our resident House Hen. I think I am falling in love with her. She likes hanging out with us at the house. Yesterday, I opened the door and she was standing on top of a reposed Gypsy. It was too cute for words. Simon put her on my belly while I was resting the other day and she fell asleep on me with her neck stretching up to mine. She's a poop machine, but I guess we all are.

Our main current gig here at the farm is a 30 share CSA. We pack 30 bags of produce each week for the shareholders and deliver them to pickup locations.

I am very happy to be where I am right now. TONS of good food!!! Its like going to the farmers market every day. Or having the farmers market in my backyard. 24/7. But better because the food is even fresher - still growing. AND I get to help grow it! (need I say more?) I am learning a lot and putting my energy towards something that I believe in and feel good about. Plus I have a great benefits package: I get exercise, fresh air, and plenty of time for sun worship. Oh, and I am constantly surrounded by beauty.

For more pictures of the farm, go HERE

Now, who is coming to visit?

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New Horizons! said...

you KNOW who is coming to visit!
at last you're back - sure you've been growing plenty since your last words missy...
LOVE yourself xxx

Azura Skye said...

oooh so good to hear from you again.
How lovely that you are working at that beautiful farm, growing wonderful food. Well done you!

Audry said...

Miss Skye!

I've been keeping up with you and your yard looks FANtastic! You make me laugh, too, Funny Lady. Thanks for the kind comment. I think you would like the farm. Come visit one day?