Friday, July 6, 2007

More Melons and Grapefruits Galore


These are the five varieties of melon growing in the yard right now...(these are heirloom varieties from Seeds of Change)

I'm not sure they will make it through to the ripening stage since some of the plants are showing signs of weariness, but I'll keep you posted...

The grapefruits are almost done for the season here, but my friend Jay is a grapefruit fanatic (I am one in the making) and he keeps a stash of frozen grapefruit juice in his freezer to get him through the summer. So last night I got to witness and be part of the Grapefruit Juicing Extravaganza!!!! We set up shop down in the basement. First we had to wash and then dry all the Gfruits so that no dirt could sneak into the juice (this was my job). Then we had to halve and press all the juice out of the fruit and pour it into glass jars for freezing (Jay's job).

If you or a friend has a grapefruit tree and you have more fresh fruit than you can eat, I highly recommend making your own frozen fruit juice stash. Its exceptionally nice and refreshing to have a cold grapefruit juice slushy on a hot summer day:) mmmmmmmmmmm hmmmm...yessireee...

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Michelle said...

hey there Girl-friend....(i like your new about blog bit!)
loved seeing your grapefruit adventures.....
will send the l'il melons some ripening energy...
***gooooo l'il melons....we're rooting for you!!****

Anonymous said...

Grapefruits look like the perfect quarts of the heart sometimes, right?

Oh, Audry, Oh, Audry!!
You are totally right!
We are soul sisters-no way to dismiss that!
And there is another thing: my girlfriend, who has a look like You-there is something really similar-her voice is the same "ripe" as Yours!
About the handstand: work on Your core, girl!;-)You can do that! If You separate the legs (ups;-))-it will definitely help You with the balance-hope I'm helping, Yours Rawvoltress!

Michelle said...

just been having a wander thru your blog.....there's so much good stuff in here! all the really important stuff! You inspire us all to live a FULler life!! you might like the book 'the secret teachings of plants'....i think i might blog about it soon. It's about how we use our hearts to communicate with plants....really fascinating xx

~Anastazia~ said...

Loved catching up on your blog tonight, & am inspired to freeze some grapefruits! Hope those cute little melons make it!
Enjoy the summer!

Kati said...

Wow, an overabundance of grapefruits...I wish that was a problem I was faced with. Lovely melons, too - hope they riped up so you can enjoy them.

Glad to have found your blog - I will be back. =)

Audry said...

Beautiful ladies!
Thank you for the terrific comments:-)

Shell, thanks for noticing and giving the thumbs up on the about blog bit...that stuff is always tough...I might change it again...I will definitely look up that book. Have you ever heard of Findhorn? Several people have told me I would enjoy reading about it.

Rawvoltress, another friend told me that grapefruits look like beautiful tropical flowers. Yes, Yes, Yes, they sure are gorgeous. Thank you for the handstand advice. I am working hardcore on my Core now ;-) Eureka! Separating the legs does help! I just watched some of your YouTube videos and they are TER-RIF-IC! More please!!!! You are a True Beauty!

~Anastazia~ Thanks for dropping by! Its nice to hear from you. I found you a while back on Valerie's blog and I've been dropping by your blog, too ;-)

Kati, nice to meet you! I really like your Veggie Voice blog and photos, too.