Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is it the raw foods, my friends? YOU must decide...

Hmmmm...where to begin??? How about some photos?

Here are some photos of my garden as of late...(click photos for full size view and descriptions)
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If you are curious, here is an album of the May NOLA (New Orleans Louisiana) Raw Food Potluck featuring raw foodist Mr. Matt Monarch.

Here are some scones I made the other day in the dehydrator (blueberry and vanilla flax):

I've been feeling like being quiet lately...thus the hiatus from blogging. I think I finally realized that all the things that are happening in my life have a lot less to do with raw foods and a lot more to do with me. This has been extremely liberating because now I can stop trying to "help" people eat raw. Here are a few things I wrote a little while ago and have been meaning to post:

I've noticed that as I take better and better care of myself, my capabilities are growing and increasing. I realize now that my main goal in life is to take care of myself. I will plan to do so through fresh air, diet, sunlight, movement and exercise, reading, keeping my mind open, practicing positivity and connecting to nature and the miracles that occur around me all the time.

I've recently experienced some disappointments. After letting some time pass, I now see that those disappointments were very very good - blessings in fact, and I am glad I felt them because they are helping me grow and go further. Each of us helps ourself in our own way and everyone's way is different. I'm beginning to see that however far along I am in actualizing my dreams and my potential has much less to do with raw foods and much more to do with:

-listening to my heart
-trusting myself
-loving myself
-forgiving myself
-be open to and curious about new ideas and ways of living
-seeing how beautiful I am and how beautiful this world is
-learning from within, and
-embracing this miraculous experience we call LIFE.

It has been such a burden off my shoulders to realize that I am responsible for my growth, not raw foods or anyone/anything else. Now I see more clearly that I don't need to preach to anyone about raw foods (please remind me of this if I forget!). I can offer my own experience if/when it is solicited, but I don't need to waste any more energy on helping people "go raw". After all, then I would be robbing them of the ability to help and heal themselves. I feel strongly that the keys to healing the world will come from within each individual. These realizations have released me to live my life and turn even more energy inward and towards myself and my own healing.

I had a nice thought today. I realized that I am living my dream life. I cannot ask for anything more. I may struggle along the way, but thank God for struggles!! They are the little miracles, the blessings, that occur so that we can push ourselves further. I hope I have LOTS more struggles in my life because I plan on going a lot further. I want to always grow. Maybe even death is a way of growing. I am ready to devote myself fully to taking the very best care I can of myself at absolutely all costs. For me this includes eating raw foods, growing my own food, surrounding myself as much as possible with other living things and therefore spending lots of time outside, among other things... All the rest will fall into its proper place.

Yours truly,

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blujett8 said...

WOW....a most amazing and inspiring garden!

fieldsofgarlic said...

You've made an important discovery, Audry, and I applaud you.

Sorry to read about the recent disappointments, but I'm glad you've made good use of them.

And your garden looks beautiful!

Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. It is so inspiring that you are living your dream.
I'm working on that, myself. It's so hard to figure all of this out. Sometimes I wonder, if I just breathe, maybe peace will come.

Your garden is awesome. I want one, too!

Audry said...

Thank you Heather and Dave.
K, its true. Just breath. Peace will come. Love - Audry

Michelle said...

nice post, your garden looks really amazing. ...i am trying to grow stuff but we are plagued here with snails :( so i've started eating the weeds instead, at least the snails and slugs leave them alone!

Unknown said...

Whew, good, I am glad to see you're still alive. I worry about my pals when I don't hear from them for awhile. I bought some sunflower seeds today (sooo cheap!) When I use my open soymilk up and buy a paint strainer I'll make my first batch of milk. (I might not wait for the soymilk to get finished off). *hugs*